There have been some questions regarding the basic alerts vs the
advanced alerts. Advanced is generally group/basket trades in addition to the basic and standard alerts. While the results have been excellent in testing, the post launch results have not. I think this is mainly due to the news and lack of Smart signals (I take) during my normal trading hours but there are additional differences that are affecting things a bit too. The main being that I normally trade 2-3 baskets at a time. This had two main benefits. One being that if we had a losing basket, it was typically dwarfed by the winning ones (A basket of baskets essentially). The other being an enormous amount of pips in a short amount of time. The downside post launch is that this type of trading requires simultaneously opening up to 21-30 pairs or more depending on the groups. This is fine for my personal trading but many users cannot handle this type of activity.
Pairing the trades down combined with the lack of proper setups the results have been weak. Even just doing one group trade we could easily see hundred of pips profit in a short time but the trade setups haven’t been materializing either so I have had to resort to doing nothing or selecting MHTC trades (See twitter updates) It’s been very frustrating given I know what the results should be.
In contrast the basic system which is an automated version of my exact trading methods/systems has done very well (Not a single losing trade this year). Basic is limited to the majors only and does not include a copier and while it is also suffering from a lack of setups due to the extreme volatility from the news, basic is automated and able to trade 24/7. This is where it shines. These systems can watch, filter, and trade large numbers of instruments 24/7.
For the time being I have decided to move these systems to advanced but in addition to the majors I’ll be running it on some of the more volatile pairs as well (18 or so in total if you remember from the chat rooms). This is exactly what I am doing already however it will be able to trade 24/7. I will compile a list of pairs for advanced within the client area so you can filter them out as you wish. I will also include the group trading tools as a download and some suggestions if you can handle the large amount of trades and want to handle group/basket trades manually. Trade guidelines and risk document in the client should still be consulted (especially the notes regarding volatility)
The Basic system will remain unchanged.
I will continue to look for advanced group trades for the remainder of this month and do them when found but these changes (effective this evening) should help tremendously if we continue to see a lack of proper setups.
I will be doing maintenance for a short while if no trades on the next bar (occurs in 1 hour and will last for 4 hours). It shouldn’t take too long to complete but the heartbeats will cease. Don’t be alarmed. I’ll post a message through the news system when everything is live. I will leave some of the most volatile pairs off for this evening so you have time to setup filters on your side.
As things calm down a bit news wise I’ll add systems back and adjust as needed but these changes should kick start everything quite nicely starting this evening.
One more note in regards to the copiers. Thanks to one clients feedback I am looking into another copier since we have had some issues with our current copier provider. Many of you are getting everything okay but some of you aren’t and it’s very difficult to diagnosis as a result. Some trades aren’t sent and some alerts too. Both systems are maintained by one provider so perhaps some issues with the code base. I am investigating alternatives.
As always if you have any questions please open a ticket using the support link on the website (do not post to the groups)